





Niloo and her team of experts at The Shams Group will prepare a targeted marketing plan that is unique for your home. The Shams Group has had a strong web presence that has been perfected over the span of 20 years. The Shams Group listings are promoted 24 hours a day to thousands of potential buyers on their state of the art web site www.theshamsgroup.com
Listing your home with the Shams Group also allows you to take advantage of Windermere Real Estate’s extensive Referral Network of more than 385 Windermere Offices and over 8000 Agents in 14 US States and Canada.
In addition The Shams Group will promote your home on the following top portals and web sites for maximum exposure:
- windermerecoachellavalley.com
- google.com
- aol.com
- trulia.com
- zillow.com
- realtor.com
In addition, we are members of “Luxury Portfolio International” a division within the Leading Real Estate Companies of the world, a 48 –year old “by –invitation” global network responsible for more transactions each year than any other real estate network.
Our affiliation with this powerful organization gives us strong connections to well respected firms in over 30 countries and the benefit of the referral program that makes 40,000 client introductions each year, more than any other real estate organization.
This relationship gives our properties additional global exposure.
. www.luxuryportfolio.com
Niloo and her team’s local exposure is strong and effective.
The Shams Group reputation for professionalism and integrity provides them with respect from the local community and top Real Estate brokers in the area. They have built strong relationships over the years with their colleagues and have a great network of top local brokers they consider friends. This translates to their listings being promoted, viewed and sold in cooperation with top local brokers.
In order to maximize your local exposure even further, the Shams Group will advertise your listing on the desertareamls.com and through a vast network of local agents via high end brochures and targeted email blasts directed at 2000 agents locally.
Niloo’s own referral network, a result of 20 years of hard work and dedication, provides the Shams Group with a continuous stream of high quality referrals.
Your home will be promoted within the local real estate community and within your neighborhood through organized broker caravans and open houses.